health + nutrition

F  e  a  t  u  r  e  d          A  r  t  i  c  l  e  s

Barefoot care:

My foot: not a thing of great beauty, but it's free of cracks and callouses!

My foot: not a thing of great beauty, but it’s free of cracks and callouses!

One of the worries people have in
contemplating barefoot running is
the damage they imagine it must
do to the soles of their feet.

What about callouses?
What about cracked feet?

The saying goes that if you’re running with proper barefoot technique, there’s nothing to worry about: the foot requires no special care or extra maintenance.  Basically, this is true in my experience as well, with a couple of exceptions…     read more:

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Diets, fasts, healing and injury prevention:

glass of waterWhen most people think of diets or fasting, they usually have weight loss in mind.  At the best of times this is a dubious practice, since changing the way you eat – especially if it involves reducing caloric intake – usually results in the body conserving energy and using calories more efficiently thereafter…     read more:

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 Developing core and back strength:

lower-back-painThey say that running in general is good for building core and lower back strength.  But during all the years I was running in shoes, I used to get a sore back after standing for too long, just like everyone else.  Since starting to run barefoot, that’s  all changed.  Now I can be on my feet all day without either feet or back getting tired.  The fact is that running barefoot forces you to hold a different, more upright posture compared to running in shoes…     read more:

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The mysterious case of the cracked little toe:

cracked toe 1(cropped+scaled)This is the story of a rather curious process which befell my little toe over the course of last summer and autumn.  Although I wouldn’t normally afflict the online ethers with such an intimate affair, I do know that many people come to this website with questions of cracked toes.  If the story and pictures below contribute to identifying your own problem, then I’m glad to be able to help.     read more: