Lucid dream running through a forest

Although this is an old dream pre-dating this website, its flavour and vividness still live with me like as if it happened just yesterday.  The memory of a lucid dream tends to last as long — if not longer – than that of events in waking life.  And so I include it here:

lucid dream forest 2I’m running on a forest path and my legs feel heavy, as if gravity is mercilessly pulling them to the ground with every step.  The most amazing astral lights and colours surround me, almost psychedelically.  Bright light shines through the leaves, illuminating the whole forest in a dappled play of light and shadow.  It’s as if shafts of intense and other-worldly sunlight are penetrating the thick, morning mist, still safely held in the arms of the trees above me after a cool night. Either the striking display of light or else the sight of my own dream body causes me to become LUCID.  lucid dream forest 3I look at my arms and hands, which do not dissolve or waver in any way (as they often do upon examination in a lucid dream).  They feel as completely stable and solid as in ‘real’ life.  I look at my camouflage shorts, as well as at the skin and hair on my legs: everything here is stable and convincingly realistic too.  I continue running along the cool path, effortlessly gaining energy in my legs.  Coming to a clearing, I hold my arms up and greet the sun in its full glory.